Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Trains

A while ago, Meg and I decided to plan a special train day for Mer and Brady since they are both in love with choo choos. Our first stop was the Holiday Express train parked behind Union Station. It only comes to town two days each year and is all decked out in holiday cheer. The display allowed us to walk through three train cars. First was the caboose with Santa and Mrs. Claus. This was Meredith's first picture with Santa. She was timid around him, but was able to go up and tell him that she wanted a princess for Christmas. Brady was upset to be in the same room with Santa and was relieved when we moved onto the next car.

The second car had two model train displays in operation. Mer and Brady spent a great deal of time studying all of the details of the display before moving onto the last car -- which was just a freakish shrine to Santa.

Before heading inside, we stopped to take a couple of pictures by the train.

Next, we headed into Union Station to warm up and see the next train. Union Station sets up a massive model train display each year. The kids were mesmerized by all of the trains and the village set up around them.

Once the kids had their fill of the train in Union Station, we walked the Link over to Crown Center to have dinner at Fritz's Train Diner. The kids each received an engineer's hat and waited with anticipation for the train to deliver our dinner.

One last model train display in Crown Center on our way out. Even though it was a frigid day, I'm glad we were able to go out and treat the kids to a fun train day.

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