Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Girl's Night at the K

Our friend, April, planned a girl's night out to see the Royal's play. We met up with Mommy's friends and headed out for Meredith's first professional baseball game. It was a beautiful night to be out and it was buck night (love those dollar hot dogs and sodas).

Here's Mer waiting patiently while Miss April tracks down our tickets.

Meredith loved sitting in her chair, watching the players and keeping track of the jumbotron.

Mallory also had a great time. Both girls enjoyed dancing and clapping to the music between batters.

Late in the game, we headed over to the Little K to play before going home. Meredith loved riding the carousel and wanted a picture of the beautiful horse she was riding. After the carousel we played on the playground before heading home.

Thanks Miss April for planning a great night out for all the girls!!

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