Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mommy's Big Run

After six months of training, today was race day. Meg, Ian, Steph and I headed downtown early this morning to run a half marathon at the KC Marathon. Everyone finished the race and in a time that they were happy with. Meredith hung out with Uncle Brad, Brady and Jesse while Mommy was running. I got to see her along the race course about half way through and then she met me at the finish line.

Meredith was my training partner throughout the preparation for the race. She would get up with me nearly every Saturday morning to head out for our weekly long training run, along with shorter runs throughout the week. She endured up to ten mile runs in the jogging stroller along with her portable DVD player and she NEVER complained. I couldn't have asked for a better partner. She seemed just as excited as me about running and finishing the race today.

We also enjoyed a lot of time with the cousins this weekend. We had everyone over Friday night for a traditional pre-race spaghetti dinner. Then had everyone over Saturday night for a celebratory feast. Meredith had so much fun playing with Brady and Max. Here they are enjoying bath time together.

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