Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

Meredith woke up Christmas morning, eager to see if Santa had visited while she was sleeping. She was excited to see that Santa had drank the milk and eaten the cookie she left for him. She also found that Santa had left her a beautiful cradle for her babies.

After a quick breakfast and a change of clothes, Meredith started opening her gifts from Grandma Sue, Uncle Wally (and family) and Mommy & Daddy. She was thrilled to open up her very first Barbie.

And quickly went to work feeding her baby in this beautiful high chair that Grandma Sue sent her.

Meredith chose to change her clothes one more time, in order to wear this adorable warm dress from Uncle Wally. She was thrilled to open her gift from Mom and Dad to find her very own doll house.

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