Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vacation at Grandma Sue's

Mer and I just got home from a great five day trip to Florida to visit Grandma Sue. We had so much fun hanging out with Grandma Sue and taking a few adventures. Our first full day in Florida was pretty low key, after some shopping we headed out to the park for some play time. Meredith had a lot of fun exploring the playground and posing for a few pictures.

On Friday we headed for Naples to check out the zoo. After the zoo we went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Tyrell, have some lunch and do some shopping.

Meredith poses as a monkey.

The monkeys at the zoo are kept on islands, so we took a boat ride to view all of the monkeys.

We ended our zoo trip by catching the animal show. This cat like animal was the highlight of the show.

While Grandma Sue was playing in a golf tournament Saturday morning, Meredith and I headed out to Sanibel Island for a little adventure. We started by having breakfast at the Lighthouse Cafe. Meredith drank so much chocolate milk that she didn't have any room left for her waffle.

After breakfast we headed out to the beach. Meredith got right to work making sand castles. She had soooo much fun at the beach and was very disappointed when it was time to go. She diligently worked on her sand castles and enjoyed looking for sea shells as well.

The birds were quite friendly on the beach and had no problem hanging out pretty close to us.

Someone had made these "beach chairs" out of the sand. Meredith quickly named it a princess chair and took her throne.

While it was too cold to take a dip in the water, we enjoyed getting our feet wet while looking for shells.

We had a great trip and truly enjoyed our time with Grandma Sue. We look forward to our next trip.

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