Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

We had an active and fun Mother's Day weekend. We started the weekend by going to our local Michael's with Mallory and Max to make a special Mother's Day frame. The kid's were very creative in decorating their frame, putting their own individual stamp on their works of art. Max was sooo excited to give his present to his mommy when she came to pick him up later that night.

On Sunday we took a walk to the park with Max, Zoe & Mallory. Meredith could spend her entire time at the park on the swing. Here she is practicing swinging by herself.

Sunday afternoon, Meredith had a soccer game. She was very excited about the game on the way there, but her excitement later faded as she lost her confidence and began clinging to Coach Molly.

Late in the game, Mer got her bravery back and got into the game to score a goal. To finish off the practice time, the kids lined up to play sharks and minnows. Mer enjoyed the game and dribbled the ball across the field with a big smile on her face.

Continuing a Peterson family tradition, Mer gets to have an ice cream cone after soccer games in which she scores a goal. It is quite motivating for her to get in the game. Here she is enjoying her hard earned ice cream cone.

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