Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Toys

Meredith has a few new toys to occupy her time now that she no longer goes to Miss Jamie's. The first is a great tip we got from our Parents As Teachers Educator. Meredith has always been sensitive to different textures. So a simple tub full of bird seed is helping her embrace some different materials and encourage scooping and pouring. She really likes to help clean up, which isn't always productive.

She also has some new Legos. She loves to build towers as tall as she can reach. Daddy is also embracing his love of Legos from his childhood. The other day he created a person and a dog. Meredith wasn't all that impressed, but I was.

While Max is too little to enjoy Meredith's new toys, he's been getting good use out of Meredith's Johnny Jumper.

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