Saturday, April 4, 2009

Baby Shower

Meredith and I hosted a baby shower for our good friend, Julie J., on Friday night. Meredith was an excellent hostess and welcomed most of guests by opening the door and inviting them into our house. She shared her toys with ease and enjoyed playing throughout the house with her friends. She even shared her room at bedtime with Mallory. All in all she had a great time, but I'm pretty sure she was wishing that the party and presents were for her. I assured her that she had just one more week to wait until her Birthday party.

While Thomas wasn't able to stay for the party, Meredith enjoyed playing with him before the party started. Here is Thomas playing with his mommy, Julie B.

Meredith enjoying her dinner with friends, Mallory and Sierra.

Meredith adores the babies. She spent a lot of time on the floor playing with Trey before he went to bed.

And here is the guest of honor, Julie J. We are so excited to meet Baby Kylie and enjoyed hosting this party for her.

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