Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Road Trip

We loaded up the car with two kids, two dogs and two mommies for a road trip to Grandma's house. The typically three hour trip included two potty breaks, a quick stop to visit Papa in Manhattan and a stop to clean up Meredith's vomit. Five hours into the trip we arrived at our destination. I'm pretty sure everyone was relieved to get out of the car once and for all.

Meredith puked all over all her pants about twenty minutes from Grandma's house. Then we discovered that max had soaked through his diaper. So Mer and Max were allowed to run around without their pants for the remainder of the night.

Meredith and Roxie both love to run around the farm and see the cows. They both light up when they get to run around, exploring their environment and enjoying nature.

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