Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Princess is Three!!

Meredith spent her first day as a three year old engaged in big girl activities and celebration. First we headed to the "big girl school," where Meredith had her first speech therapy session with the school district's speech therapist at the local elementary school. Then we spent some time at the library before heading to Meredith's first swimming lesson. She LOVED the swimming lesson, in the heated pool with four other preschoolers. She is so brave in the water and learned all of the new skills very quickly. The teacher had a difficult time keeping her from swimming off and doing her own thing. Needless to say she had a great time and can't wait to go back next week.

After swimming, everyone was ready for a nap. In the afternoon we headed outside to play in the driveway. Meredith quickly put on her new bike helmet and went for a ride around the driveway.

We had all of Meredith's aunts and uncles over for dinner, cake and presents that evening. Meredith dressed in her new Sleeping Beauty princess dress for the occasion. She took her time reading each card and exploring each new gift before opening the next present. She loved all of her gifts and spending time with her family. She has been looking forward to her birthday for several months and I feel certain that she was not disappointed.

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