Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our First Visit to Santa

Grandma Polly and I took Meredith and Max for their first visit to see Santa. We had a long wait to see Santa, but the kids kept busy by checking out some of the toys and decorations at "Santa's House." We also spent a lot of time practiicng

However, by the time we made it to Santa, Meredith's reaction was shy and scared. She relied on Mommy to share her wish list with Santa. She was willing to give Santa a high five after her gave her a candy cane.

Max was willing to hold Santa's hands, but was stunned speechless

Max was pretty much stunned speechless with Mrs. Claus as well.

After visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Claus we had the opportunity to take a horse drawn carriage ride through town.

After the carriage ride, we had some time to pass, so we drove through the park to look at the holiday lighting display before going to church. Once we got home from church, the kids helped Grandm and Grandpa Pearce put up the Christmas Tree.

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