Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday Open Gym

I took Max and Meredith to the open gym at the Lenexa Community Center today. We met up with our friends Julie and April and their adorable children for a play date. We also ran into Nathan, one of Meredith's best friend's from school, and his Mommy at the gym as well.

The community hosts the open gym a couple of times a week. It's basically just a big gym with lost of toy cars, toys and an inflatable. Pretty simple, but very fun for the kids. Both Meredith and Max enjoyed playing around the gym in these toy cars.

Meredith packed the "trunk" of her car with plenty of balls to deliver around the gym.

As with all cars, she had to stop for gas every once in a while as well.

Max LOVES cars. He was in absolute heaven and spent the entire hour and half driving around the gym in various cars.

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