Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

On Friday, I took off work a little early and Mer and I set up the tent in the backyard to play in. Brady came over that night to hang out. Mer, Brady and Mallory enjoyed playing "house" in the tent with each taking a role of mom, dad and baby.

Brady brought some popcycles over to share with his friends.

Mallory was upset, so she sat down to pout for minute. I love the way she really sticks he lip out when she's mad.

Saturday night, Mer and I decided to spend the night out in the tent in the backyard. It was a very pleasant night to sleep outside. Mer had a great time and asks me nearly every weekend if we can go camping again.

I made some smores in the microwave for Mer and I to enjoy while camping. After enjoying our treat, Meredith watched a movie on her portable DVD player and I read a book until we both fell asleep. Roxie also spent the night with us in the tent, but stayed up all night keeping watch for us.

Grandma and Grandpa Pearce traveled to town to spend Sunday and Monday with us. On Sunday night we went down to Union Station to enjoy the Celebration at the Station. This is the fourth year that we have attended and enjoyed the event. Amy, Ian and the kids came along as well.

While listening to the symphony, I painted a butterfly on Meredith's face with face paint.

We also took some time to celebrate Aunt Amy's birthday.

They always end the show with a beautiful fireworks display. Meredith cuddled with grandma to watch the show, but chose to plug her ears to the noise. Zoe nearly slept through the entire fireworks display.

On Monday, the entire family gathered to go to Denali's family's home in Liberty for a barbecue. Max and Meredith enjoyed fishing off the dock, while the rest of the family rested in the grass. It was a beautiful day to be outside spending time with family.

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