Saturday, May 15, 2010

Morgan's Graduatin -- Pictures by Meredith & Max

We drove to Topeka, along with Ian and the kids, to meet up with our family to celebrate my cousin Morgan's graduation from Washburn University's School of Nursing. Meredith and Max took off with the camera and managed to take a lot of great pictures documenting the event.

Here is Morgan, with her big smile, celebrating her achievement.

You will notice that Max managed to make his way into many, many pictures while Meredith had the camera. He's pretty much adorable in every picture too.

Max on the couch with Grandpa Steve and Papa.

Morgan with her mom, Aunt Jayne, who is also a graduate of Washburn's School of Nursing.

Uncle Ian snapped this shot of Mer and I.

Zoe had no problem showing off her big smile for many cameras throughout the night. Here she is enjoying some time with Grandma Polly.

Grandma Polly with her granddaughters.

I've been wanting to update my Facebook profile pic, I knew I could count on Mer to snap a good one.

Cousin Matt with his girlfriend, Becca.

Zoe was passed around throughout the night. Here she is enjoying her time with the graduate.

A self-portrait of me with my princess.

Morgan's Dad, Gordon, was very playful with Max. Here they are playing together.

Gordon's sister, Brenda, also enjoyed playing with the kids. Here she is engaging with Max.

This is the only picture the kids got of Meghan, Morgan's sister. She was also graduating the next day from high school.

Uncle Dave also made the trip from Colorado to help celebrate Morgan and Meghan's graduations.

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